Release sadness of 23 years

Release sadness of 23 years

Age: 39, Female

Issue: Extremely depressed and continuously crying for 2 weeks

B.Ong has been sick for months with severe lung infection.   Before the session, she was very depressed and have been crying continuously for 2 weeks, this cause her health condition to deteriorate.  

In the 1st session,  one of the trapped emotion released was Forlorn @ age 15.  I asked if she could share if she had traumatic stress at that time, immediately she was shock to acknowledge that was when her father passed away.  When she was a kid, she have strong bonding with her father and she have lots of sickness and used to vomit, everytime when she vomit, her father will be companying her, patting her back softly… she told me that during her current lung infection, whenever she cough until vomit, she felt just like when she was a kid and her father is there taking care of her.

On top of her medical and wellness program, she went thru 5 sessions, and she gets better after every session.

A conversation on her feedback: