Letting go of 43 years of defense

Letting go of 43 years of defense

Age: 69, Male

Main issue: Unexplained Headache, Hypertension, Neck Shoulder stiffness.

From T.Low medical blood test report, he has great improvement on his physical condition.  Yet, he still feels discomfort symptoms, hence we advise him to consider the Emotion Code Session.

In the 1st session, he was sceptical on this, because it can’t be seen.  On his 2nd session, he told me after the session when he get into his car, he felt a sudden lightness on his chest, as though a heavy bag got lifted from his chest!

Then come the 2nd session, one of the trapped emotion was Defensiveness at age 26.  He laught and said can’t remember anything that could possibly affected him at 26. I smiled and told him “Well, I just do my job and reveal what it is, without any judgement.”  On his next Wellness Consultation, he told me after our last conversation, one day he thought of a tragic incident that happened in the family.  He was supposed to fetch his youngest sister, but he have something to attend and his other brother took over to fetch the youngest sister. On the way home it ran into a fetal accident that the younger sister passed away.  His parent hold huge grudge on his brother and he was trying to defense for his brother innocent.  When he count back on the year of the incident, it was when he was at 26 years old.

Let go of the negative energy that doesn’t serve it’s purpose anymore, if not now, when?